China's one belt, one road and the building of a community of human destiny are invited to invite the artists from all over the world to promote the excellent culture and art of the Chinese nation and the world's best performing arts and culture, and to contemporary outstanding artists and art lovers, as well as the world's Art institutions. To build a bridge of friendship, we invite Mr. Zhang Zhengyang, a Chinese Print Artist, to present a splendid art ceremony for the readers.
张正扬 男,苗族,生于1955年1月,湖南城步苗族自治县儒林镇人。先后深造于西安美术学院和中央美术学院。现为中国版画家协会会员、中国国际艺术家协会顾问、中国书画名家研究会副会长。城步苗族自治县政协正县级干部、城步苗族自治县文联名誉主席。
Zhang Zhengyang, male, Miao nationality, was born in January 1955 in Rulin Town, Chengbu Miao Autonomous County, Hunan Province. He studied in Xi'an Academy of fine arts and the Central Academy of fine arts. He is now a member of China printmaker Association, consultant of China International Artists Association and vice president of Chinese painting and calligraphy masters Research Association. He is a county-level cadre of Chengbu Miao Autonomous County political association and honorary chairman of Chengbu Miao Autonomous County literary and Art Federation.
Mr. Zhang Zhengyang has been fond of fine arts since childhood. His main works include: woodcut "home" exhibited in the 38th International Exhibition of Saarland in West Germany; Chinese painting "peacock opens the screen" in the international painting and calligraphy exhibition of "China peace and unification Cup"; lithography "Banna style" won the gold medal in the Fifth International Calligraphy and painting exhibition; the stone engraving "bullfight" participated in the Eighth National Art Exhibition; The silk screen print "elephant" participated in the 12th National Print Exhibition; the stone engraving "bullfight", "Banna style" and woodcut "love in Miao village" participated in the China Europe cultural and art exchange exhibition and exhibited in Florence, Italy; the woodcut "love in Miao village", "Gutian scenery" and the silk screen print "Yinshan family" participated in the Sino Japanese friendly cultural and artistic exchange, and the exhibition of Chinese and Japanese famous calligraphers and painters was held in Japan In Tokyo, woodcut "love in Miao village", lithography "dance" and silk screen print "elephant" participated in the world tour exhibition of Chinese famous calligraphers and painters, and exhibited in Russia. The woodcut "love in Miao village" won the special prize in the third international calligraphy and painting exhibition of Ode to the motherland; the woodcut "love in Miao village" was awarded the world art award by the Editorial Committee of world art canon. In 2005, the State Post Office issued a special stamp on Zhang Zhengyang's prints. One belt, one road, was published by the State Post Office in 2018 to build a special book entitled "Zhang Zhengyang, a famous masterpiece of China dream and cultural dream". In April 2005, the United European Union awarded the honorary title of "China EU cultural special envoy". He was appointed chief artist of UNESCO in September 2012. In October 2014, the Royal Academy of Arts awarded the honorary titles of "image ambassador for Sino British art exchange" and "world cultural celebrity". In October 2017, the Chinese society of literature and art awarded the honorary title of "ambassador of Chinese and American cultural image". On December 2, 2019, he was awarded the "first China literature and art supreme Award" by China Cultural Association, China Calligrapher Association, China Artists Association and China literature and art supreme award organizing committee, and was awarded the honorary title of "China's top ten top art masters", and was employed as the vice chairman of the second "China literature and art supreme Award". On December 18, 2019, he was awarded the "Republic cultural elite Award" by China outstanding writers and artists Research Association, Chinese traditional art exchange association and Chinese famous poets, calligraphy and painting network, and was awarded the honorary title of "Republic elite". On December 28, 2019, he won the "national highest honor award of literature and art champion" by China International Federation of calligraphy and painting artists, National Poetry, calligraphy and painting network, international Chinese Artists Association, and China traditional art association. He was awarded the honorary titles of "Chinese leading literary artist" and "national first-class art master", and was employed as honorary president of China International Federation of calligraphy and painting artists. On May 28, 2020, he was awarded the honorary titles of "commemorating the 600th anniversary of the completion of the Forbidden City - the lifelong achievement award of the Republic of China" by the Chinese traditional art exchange association, Chinese famous poets, calligraphers and painters, and the honorary titles of "ten famous artists handed down in the Republic" and "creators of handed down classics".
On June 10, 2020, he was awarded the "one hundred years of brilliance and the highest achievement award of national literature and art" by the National Poetry, calligraphy and painting network, the China Artists Exchange Association, the China Culture Construction Committee and the selection committee of the national highest achievement award of literature and art, and was awarded the honorary titles of "Chinese contemporary literature and art leader" and "one hundred year literature and art ten Representatives". On June 23, 2020, he won the "Asian culture and Art Award" of Asian culture and art network and Asian culture and Art Award organizing committee, and awarded the "Asian Art Medal". On June 25, 2020, he won the "community of human destiny - World Peace Culture Communication Award" by the national culture and Art Development Association, China International Peace Culture Development Association, UNESCO, world history, culture and Art Research Association, and world peace culture communication award jury, and was awarded the honor of "the world's top ten most influential writers and artists" and "world peace culture communication ambassador" Reputation. On June 30, 2020, he was awarded "China Art Flying Dragon Award" by China literature and art masters Research Association, international culture and Art Exchange Association, and China literature and art flying dragon award judging committee, and was awarded the honorary titles of "top ten national literature and art masters" and "inheritor of Chinese traditional culture". On July 8, 2020, he won the "rising of a great power and national cultural power Award" by China Art Masters Research Association, National Poetry, calligraphy and painting network, China Intangible Culture Society, and national cultural power award jury, and was awarded the "national first-class master of literature and art" and "ten outstanding representatives of national culture". On July 12, 2020, he won the "world's most beautiful art award" by the international Chinese Artists Association, the world outstanding artists association, the China well-known artists association, and the world's most beautiful art award jury, and awarded the honorary title of "the world's most beautiful art master". One belt, one road cultural exchange one belt, one road one belt, one road world royal one, one belt, one road cultural exchange society, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in England, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Paris and the other world cultural Concord Prize Award Committee in July 12, 2020. On July 20, 2020, the national literature and Art Publishing House, National Poetry, calligraphy and painting network, National Cultural Heritage Research Association, China cultural development and Exchange Association, China well-known artists association and national art archives editorial board were specially invited to compile the large-scale hardcover album of national art archives, awarded the honorary title of "National Palace level literary master", and hired to be the honorary editor in chief of national art archives. On July 28, 2020, he was awarded the "Renaissance road literary contribution award" by the Chinese Culture Research Institute, the Chinese poetry, calligraphy and painting Federation, the international Chinese Art Association and the Chinese Artists Association, and was awarded the honorary title of "national treasure level artist of the Republic of China". On July 31, 2020, it won the "golden bull award of Chinese Literature" by China Intangible Culture Society, Chinese famous poets' poetry, calligraphy and painting network, China International Federation of calligraphy and painting artists, China Aesthetic Research Association, and China literature and art golden bull award jury, and was awarded the title of "China's most outstanding literary and artistic master". On July 31, 2020, he was awarded the "first Jinhua watch Art Award" by the Chinese Famous Artists Association, the Chinese traditional art exchange association and the Organizing Committee of the first Jinhua watch Art Award, and was awarded the honorary title of "National Gold Award artist". On July 31, 2020, it was awarded the "first China literature and art peony Award" by China culture and art masters network, China excellent technical talents exchange association and the first China literature and art peony award jury, and was awarded the honorary title of "Chinese culture and art contribution person". On July 31, 2020, he won the "Hundred Flowers Award of Chinese literature and art" by the Chinese people's Association of writers and artists, the association of well-known artists, and the Chinese poetry, calligraphy and Painting Research Association, and was awarded the honorary title of "national literature and art leader".
On August 8, 2020, he won the "international literary peak Achievement Award" of international culture and Art Publishing House, China International Culture and Art Research Association, International Art Masters Association, Chinese and foreign culture and Art Exchange Association, and world contemporary literature and art master collection editorial board. He was awarded the honorary title of "world's top ten contemporary literary and art masters" and was specially invited to edit the "top of literature and art - world contemporary literature and art master dictionary" Tibet is a great literary work.
2020年8月26日国家艺术人才认证网、国家一级美术师认证网、中国人民美术协会、国家专业艺术人才认证委员会晋升张正扬同志为“国家一级美术师”职称,并授予“国家一级美术大师”荣誉称号。其艺术传略和代表作入编《湖南美术五十年》、《中国美术选集》、《世界当代著名书画家真迹博览大典》、《世界美术大典》等数十部典集。中国民族美术出版社出版发行中国当代书画名家经典作品《中国版画家张正扬作品选》。中国艺术画报杂志社出版发行中华传世名家系列专集《张正扬版画作品集》。中国文联国际出版社出版发行《国家艺术人物张正扬专刊》。中国国际出版社出版发行《人民艺术家——范曾 张正扬 刘大为》、《走向世界的中华艺术大师——欧阳中石 张正扬 靳尚谊》、《中华文化大使——刘大为 张正扬 苏士澍》、《世界艺术之最——张正扬 徐悲鸿》、《中国梦•建国七十周年最具影响力艺术家张正扬 黄永玉 范迪安》、《一带一路•一代名师——崔如琢 张正扬 范迪安》、《中国艺术名家沈鹏题——张正扬作品集》、《2020感动中国杰出人物——沈鹏、张正扬、范迪安、张海、钟南山、李兰娟》作品集。人民文学美术出版社出版发行《国学经典——孔子、王羲之、李白、林风眠、吴冠中、黄永玉、刘大为、张正扬》线装画册、《国魂国艺——王羲之、阎立本、齐白石、徐悲鸿、启功、刘大为、沈鹏、张正扬》传世长卷。国际炎黄文化出版社出版发行《国际杰出华人艺术家——黄永玉 张正扬 李铎 欧阳中石 冯远 范曾 张海 刘大为》作品集。香港世界文化出版社出版发行《世界艺术巨匠——张正扬 沈鹏 吴冠中 毕加索 梵高 塞尚 米开郎琪罗 达·芬奇》作品集。2018年全球头条、环球文化网、环球艺术网、华尔街日报、中华网、中国财政时报网等十多家网媒重点推荐《张正扬——中外名家之书画》。2019年中国互联网联盟推荐《张正扬-——最具影响力人物百家新闻联展之书画》。环球日报网、环球广播网、环球商业网、环球品牌网、环球新联网、环球视觉网、环球周刊网推荐《中国文化新火相传——国际艺术名家张正扬》。华夏文化网、中国企业报道、艺术头条、中国新闻联播、中国文联在线推荐《博览五千年塑造当代贤——记书画名家张正扬》。今日头条、搜狐网、凤凰网、腾讯网、UC头条、一点资讯推荐《著名画家张正扬——不忘初心牢记使命献礼新中国成立70周年》。国际环球快报、中国头条网、中国信息报道、新闻在线、中国企业热线、华北在线等115家媒体推荐《传递时代最强音——2019年度书画功勋艺术家张正扬》。2020年3月19日世界互联之窗、中央热点观察网、中国新闻科技、中国新闻头条在线、湖南在线、中原信息网等114家媒体推荐《人民艺术家——张正扬》以版画作品传递力量,鼓舞士气,声援武汉!为祖国加油!2020年5月6日中国新闻报道、今日头条、搜狐网、凤凰网、腾讯网、网易等15家媒体推荐《当代杰出艺术大师张正扬作品展》,2020年5月13日环球艺术、欧洲网、国际热线、亚洲电视新闻网、华尔街日报、环球日报网、国际财经网、人民网推荐【世界看中国】版画名家——张正扬抗疫“环球行”。2020年7月25日艺术中国、中国美术家网、中国版画家网、中华书画家委员会、中国电视文艺网、中华在线、亚洲在线、新华在线、中国头条网等31家媒体推荐【艺术名家共谱文脉传承·2020官方特别推荐版画艺术名家——张正扬】。2020年8月4日国际环球快报、世界互联之窗、北京在线、湖南在线、长沙在线等全国各省、市166家媒体推荐《精湛艺术向党的百年献礼·张正扬作品赏析》。2020年8月20日国际环球快报网、聚焦中国网、中国头条在线及全国各省市224家媒体推荐《2020年最值得关注的中国艺坛两大家·张正扬 冯远》,2020年9月24日中国信息报道、北京在线、上海网等全国各省市207家媒体推荐《中国书画领军人物张正扬吴为山作品欣赏》,2020年9月28日中国新闻联播网、国际环球快报网、广州在线等全国各省市221家媒体推荐《中国当代最具实力派艺坛两大家张正扬、韩天衡作品欣赏》。2005年4月应邀参加中国赴欧洲文化艺术交流访问团出访意大利、法国、德国、荷兰、卢森堡、圣马利诺、梵帝冈、奥地利、比利时等国家。2010年7月应邀参加中国赴日本文化艺术交流访问团出访日本。2011年8月应邀参加中国赴俄罗斯文化艺术交流访问团出访俄罗斯。
On August 26, 2020, Zhang Zhengyang was promoted to the title of "national first-class artist" by the national art talent certification network, the national first-class artist certification network, the people's Art Association of China and the national professional art talent Certification Committee, and was awarded the honorary title of "national first-class art master". His art biography and representative works have been included in the 50 years of Hunan fine arts, selected works of Chinese fine arts, world famous calligraphers and painters' authentic works exhibition ceremony, and world art canon. China National Fine Arts Publishing House publishes the classic works of Chinese contemporary calligraphers and painters, selected works of Chinese printmaker Zhang Zhengyang. The magazine of China Art pictorial has published a series of works of Zhang Zhengyang. China Federation of literary and Art International Publishing House published and published the special issue of national art figure Zhang Zhengyang. China International Publishing House published and published "people's artist fan Zeng Zhang Zhengyang Liu Dawei", "Ouyang Zhongshi, Zhang Zhengyang, Jin Shangyi, a Chinese art master going to the world", "Liu Dawei, Zhang Zhengyang, Su Shishu, Chinese cultural ambassador, and Zhang Zhengyang, the best art in the world One belt, one road, one generation, the most influential artist, Zhang Zhengyang, Huang Yongyu and Fan Dian, "Xu Beihong," and "China dream, Jianguo 70th anniversary" Cui Ruzhuo Zhang Zhengyang. Fan Di'an, Shen Peng, a famous Chinese artist, works of Zhang Zhengyang, and works of Shen Peng, Zhang Zhengyang, fan Di'an, Zhang Hai, Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan, who moved Chinese outstanding figures in 2020. Shan, Li Lanjuan.
People's literature and Fine Arts Publishing House has published and published the traditional Chinese Classics: Confucius, Wang Xizhi, Li Bai, Lin Fengmian, Wu Guanzhong, Huang Yongyu, Liu Dawei, Zhang Zhengyang, and the long volume of national soul and National Art: Wang Xizhi, Yan Liben, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Qigong, Liu Dawei, Shen Peng, Zhang Zhengyang. International Yanhuang Culture Publishing House has published and published the works collection of international outstanding Chinese artists Huang Yongyu, Zhang Zhengyang, Li duo, Ouyang Zhongshi, Feng Yuan, fan Zeng, Zhang Hai, Liu Dawei. Hong Kong World Culture Publishing House has published and published the collection of works of the world's art masters: Zhang Zhengyang, Shen Peng, Wu Guanzhong, bigasso, Van Gogh, Cezanne, michaelangi and Rhoda finch. In 2018, more than a dozen online media, including global headlines, global culture network, global art network, Wall Street Journal, zhonghua.com, and China Financial Times, highlighted Zhang Zhengyang: calligraphy and painting of Chinese and foreign masters. In 2019, China Internet Alliance recommended "Zhang Zhengyang... - calligraphy and painting of the 100 most influential people news Exhibition". Global daily, global broadcasting, global business, global brand, new global network, global vision and global weekly recommend the new fire of Chinese culture: International Artist Zhang Zhengyang. Huaxia Culture Network, Chinese enterprise reports, art headlines, China news network, and China Federation of literary and art online recommended "Expo five thousand years to shape contemporary sages - a famous calligrapher and painter Zhang Zhengyang". Today's headlines, sohu.com, fenghuang.com, tencent.com, UC headlines and a little information recommend Zhang Zhengyang, a famous painter, not forgetting his original intention, bearing in mind the mission and presenting the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China. 115 media, such as international global express, China headlines, China information report, news online, China enterprise hotline, and North China online, recommended "delivering the strongest voice of the times: Zhang Zhengyang, artist of calligraphy and painting meritorious service in 2019". On March 19, 2020, 114 media including the world Internet , the central hot spot observation network, China News technology, China News Headlines online, Hunan online, Zhongyuan information network and other 114 media recommended "people's artist Zhang Zhengyang" to convey power with print works, boost morale and support Wuhan! Cheer for the motherland! Wuhan! Cheer for the motherland!
On May 6, 2020, 15 media including China news report, today's headlines, sohu.com, fenghuang.com, tencent.com, Netease and other 15 media recommended Zhang Zhengyang's works exhibition. On May 13, 2020, universal art, EURONET, international hotline, ATV news network, Wall Street Journal, global daily, IFN and renmin.com recommended famous printmakers ——Zhang Zhengyang's "global tour" to fight the epidemic. On July 25, 2020, 31 media including art China, China Artists network, China printmaker network, Chinese Calligraphers and painters Committee, China Television Literature and art network, China online, Asia online, Xinhua Online, and China toutiao.com recommended Zhang Zhengyang, a famous Print Artist specially recommended by the government in 2020. On August 4, 2020, 166 media in provinces and cities across the country, such as international global express, of the world Internet, Beijing online, Hunan online, Changsha online and other provinces and cities, recommended "a century's gift of exquisite art to the party · appreciation of Zhang Zhengyang's works".
On August 20, 2020, international global express, on China, China headlines online and 224 media in various provinces and cities nationwide recommended Zhang Zhengyang, the two most noteworthy Chinese artists in 2020 On September 24, 2020, 207 media in China's information report, Beijing online, shanghai.com and other provinces and cities nationwide recommended "appreciation of the works of Zhang Zhengyang, Wu Weishan, the leading figure of Chinese calligraphy and painting". On September 28, 2020, 221 media from China news network, international global express, Guangzhou online and other provinces and cities in China recommended Zhang Zhengyang and Han Tian, two most powerful contemporary artists in China Appreciation of Heng's works. In April 2005, he was invited to participate in the Chinese cultural and art exchange delegation to Europe and visited Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, San Marino, the Vatican, Austria, Belgium and other countries. In July 2010, he was invited to participate in the Chinese cultural and art exchange delegation to Japan and visited Japan. In August 2011, he was invited to participate in the Chinese cultural and art exchange delegation to Russia and visited Russia.